R interface to access Chinese lexical resources.


remotes::install_github('lopentu/lexicoR', ref = "lite")

Notes for Developers

Build pkg website

pkgdown::build_site(examples = F)

Clean up large data

  1. On branch:master, commit and push to GitHub.

  2. On branch:master, run:

    bash push2lite.sh

    This pushes a cleaned-up version of the package to branch:lite on GitHub.

Rebuild binaries from raw data

On branch:master, cd to data-raw/deeplex_CLD_merge/ and run the commands below in order:

Rscript toRDS.R
Rscript merge.R
Rscript bundle2pkg.R

This creates database.rda in the current directory. Compress and copy this file to lopentu/lexicoR-data/inst/.