HTML is a markup language that defines the structure of a web page to the browser, and CSS is a way for you to beautify the structure.
In reality, there have been tons of HTML and CSS templates or UI frameworks lying around. You may not need to write them from scratch. But still, how to translate content into logical structure is always a job of developer.
表單的內容是由一系列的表單元素所組成,表單元素的標籤是 <input>,表單元素的屬性是 type 和 name。
表單元素的屬性 type 是用來指定表單元素的類型,可以是 text、password、radio、checkbox、submit、reset、button、file、hidden、image、number、range、date、month、week、time、datetime、datetime-local、email、url、search、tel、color。
defined within the style attribute of an HTML element:
<pstyle="color: red;">This is a paragraph.</p>
NLP and Web Applications
inheritance, conflicting styles and cascading order, the box model, and grouped selectors.
NLP and Web Applications
document tree
NLP and Web Applications
Conflicting Styles: The Cascade
CSS 允許我們對同意文件施行不同的 style sheets, 那就會註定有衝突的問題。
The cascade refers to what happens when several sources of style information vie for control of the elements on a page. The 'cascade' is the process of combining the different stylesheets and resolving conflicts between different CSS rules and declarations.
誰權值更高,優先性更高,就會被套用。權值的考量,則是基於以下幾個因素:the priority of the style rule source, the specificity of the selector, and the order of the style rules.
Markup is a generic term for a language that describes a document's formatting, while Markdown is a specific markup library doing text-to-HTML conversion