R 程式設計與資料科學導論

謝舒凱 | 台大語言學研究所


109/12OrientationRstudio installation, Markdown, Datacamp custom track
209/19Introduction to Data Science and Text AnalyticsRstudio environment and basics of R: variables, data types, built-in plot;
309/26R data structuresvectors; conditionals
410/03Preparing / Obtaining Datadata structures; I/O, looping
510/10Holiday(review of Base R using DataCamp custom track)
610/17Data Wranglingdplyrggplot2
710/24Data Wranglingmore on dplyr; tidying data
810/31Exploratory data analysisstatistics (descriptive, hypothesis testing, linear regression); string manipulation;
911/07Mid-term exam
1011/14Data preprocessingencoding; regular expression
1111/21Corpus and NLPhandling large textual data; Chinese word segmentation/POS
1211/28(Guest lecture)(Chinese AI-NLP forum)
1312/05Statistics and Data modellingweb: crawling
1412/12Text analytics [I]: text classification and clusteringweb: cleaning and preprocessing
1512/19Text analytics [II]: sentiment analysisweb: applications
1612/26Text analytics [III]: texts in the social mediaweb: applications
1701/02Reporting and Presenting Datawrap-up
1801/09Final term project presentation and report due(oral and poster presentation)

課程投影片 | slides

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