Week 5 Word Meaning (II)


謝舒凱 台大語言所


  • 詞彙關係、詞彙網路、知識本體
  • 事件語意與計算表徵

CWN 2.0

資訊抽取 (Information Extraction)

a subfield of natural language processing (NLP)

  • The process of information extraction (IE) turns the un/semi-structured information embedded in texts into structured data.

  • Main tasks of IE include:

    • Named entity recognition
    • Relation extraction
    • Event extraction; Template filling
    • Coreference resolution
    • Temporal expression recognition
    • Semantic role labeling
    • etc.

In-class exercise.1

Create a tiny knowledge graph based on the news article in Chapter 21 of the textbook. 參考


  • Relation extraction is the task of identifying and classifying semantic relations between pairs of entities in text.

  • Types of linguistic relations:

    • Lexical (semantic) relations (e.g., synonymy, antonymy, hyponymy, etc.)
    • Syntactic relations (e.g., subject, object, etc.)
    • Semantic relations (e.g., causality, entailment, etc.)
    • Pragmatic relations (e.g., presupposition, etc.)
    • Discourse relations (e.g., contrast, etc.)
  • Other (common-sense) relations

    • Temporal relations (e.g., before, after, etc.)
    • Spatial relations (e.g., above, below, etc.)
    • Possession relations (e.g., has, has-part, etc.)
    • Quantitative relations (e.g., more, less, etc.)
    • Comparative relations (e.g., more, less, etc.)
    • Logical relations (e.g., and, or, etc.)
    • Attribution relations (e.g., author, publisher, etc.)
    • ……… 太多了,不一一列舉

Relations in Named Entity Tasks

  • Named entity recognition (NER) is the task of identifying and classifying named entities in text into pre-defined categories such as person names, organization names, locations, etc.


  • Information Extraction 有關, 但複雜度較高。

  • e.g., 什麼是名詞的部分整體關係?動詞有上下位關係嗎?爲何反義關係只發生在詞彙層面而不是詞義層面?


There is a controversy over what constitutes “type” of a meronym. Lyons and Cruse claim there are two types: necessary, a.k.a., canonical, and optional, a.k.a., facilitative. Orwant prefers to divide meronyms into part, member, and substance. source

Regular Polysemy Detecection

SemEval 2010-Task 8



  • ontology and ontologies
  • lexicalized ontologies

Qualia structure


RDF (Resource Description Framework)

  • RDF is a standard metalanguage (W3 recommendation) for data interchange on the Web.

  • RDF triples are the basic unit of data in RDF, a triple consists of < subject, predicate, object >

  • RDF triples are used to describe resources (e.g., people, places, things, etc.) and their properties (e.g., name, age, etc.).

  • DBpedia and Wikidata are two popular knowledge bases that use RDF triples to represent knowledge.

Relation Extraction Algorithms

Five main classes of relation extraction algorithms:

  • Pattern-based (Hearst patterns)

  • Feature-based supervised relation classifier

  • Neural supervised relation classifiers

  • Semi-/un- supervised


(Joshi et al. 2020) exceeds BERT by 3.3% F1.

Semisupervised Relation Extraction


  • Bootstrapping is a semi-supervised learning method that uses a small amount of labeled data to train a classifier, and then uses the classifier to label a large amount of unlabeled data.

Semisupervised Relation Extraction

Distant Supervision

  • Distant supervision is a semi-supervised learning method that uses a large amount of unlabeled data and a small amount of labeled data to train a classifier.

Evaluation Metrics



Extract money and currency values (entities labelled as MONEY) and find the noun phrase they are referring to - for example: “Net income was $9.4 million compared to the prior year of $2.7 million.”

$9.4 million → Net income.

$2.7 million → the prior year


  • Step 1: use spaCy’s named entity recognizer to extract money and currency values (entities labelled as MONEY)

  • Step2: use spaCy’s dependency parser to find the noun phrase they are referring to.

GPT4 解法


  • 用 wordnet 做知識圖譜,week5.ipnb

  • 計算詞彙的詞意頻率


event semantics and event representation


  • SK yelled ‘Yo’ \(\rightarrow\) ∃e[(R(SK)(Yo))(e)]

  • Must SK yell ‘Yo’? \(\rightarrow\) {☐∃e[(R(Yo)(Jo))(e)], ¬☐∃e[(R(Yo)(Jo))(e)]}



durativity, boundedness, dynamicity, telicity, iteration, intensity

Event types (Aktionsart; Lexical Aspect)

  • state, activitis, accomplishments, achievements, semelfactives

Aktionsart is a German term that refers to the type of action that a verb expresses.

Event Representation

  • Event representation is the task of representing events in a structured format.

Event Extraction

  • Event extraction is the task of identifying mentions of events and classifying them in text.

  • an event mention is a span of text (expressions) that refers to an event that can be assigned to a particular point or interval in time.



  • FrameNet is a large semantic lexicon that organizes English words into frames (based on Frame Semantics).

  • Main concepts:

    • Frame (e.g., Make a phone call)
    • Frame element (e.g., Agent, Patient, Instrument, Theme, etc.)
    • Lexical unit (e.g., call, phone, make, etc.)
    • Annotation (e.g., Agent of Make a phone call is caller, etc.)

Chinese FrameNet


Frames, constructions, and FrameNet

Charles J. Fillmore 過世前的經典論文

Semantic Role Labeling

NLP 計算上最接近的任務

  • Semantic role labeling (SRL) is the task of identifying and classifying semantic roles of arguments in a sentence. demo

  • LLM 也算是部分解決了 SRL 的問題。


Each frame in FrameNet has a number of core and non-core FEs which can be thought of as semantic roles. Core FEs are essential to the meaning of the frame while non-core FEs are generally descriptive (such as time, place, manner, etc.).


視角 (perspective) 怎麼反應在語言上?

commercial_event frame


Joshi, Mandar, Danqi Chen, Yinhan Liu, Daniel S Weld, Luke Zettlemoyer, and Omer Levy. 2020. “Spanbert: Improving Pre-Training by Representing and Predicting Spans.” Transactions of the Association for Computational Linguistics 8: 64–77.